6/24/2011 - 4-H Summer Enrichment Programs
4-H Summer Enrichment Programs
Looking for some fun this summer? The Cumberland County 4-H Youth Development Program of Rutgers Cooperative Extension will be offering three 4-H Enrichment Programs this summer. “Robotics Explorer,” “Science Adventures” and “Advanced Robotics” are the themes for this year’s programs.
The “Robotics Explorer 4-H Summer Enrichment Program,” July 18-22, will provide an opportunity for children who have completed grades 4-7, to learn about robotics, develop creative and critical-thinking skills and use their imagination as they invent, develop and build a tankbot. Registration deadline is July 1. This program will be held at Office of Emergency Management located at 637 Bridgeton Avenue in Deerfield Township.
“Advanced Robotics” will be held August 1-5 at the Office of Emergency Management. Boys and girls will learn robotics technology and careers. They will work as a group to design, construct and program different types of robots. Registration deadline is July 18.
The third program, “Science Adventures” will be held August 15-19 at the Cumberland County 4-H Center in Rosenhayn, Deerfield Township. Boys and girls in grades K-5 will learn how science is all around us and is part of everything we do. They will discover and explore a variety of science and technology–related topics including trees, magnets, bubbles, food science, robotics, string telephone, straw rockets, balloon powered cars and much more. Registration deadline is July 18.
Children do not have to be 4-H members to attend these enrichment programs that are sponsored by the Cumberland 4-H Program. The 4-H Youth Development Program of Rutgers Cooperative Extension, a unit of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, is open to all youth in grades K-13 (one year out of high school), regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability.
The cost for the programs is $50 per week and registrations will be accepted on a first come, first-served basis.

4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills! |
To request a registration form or for more information, contact the Cumberland County 4-H Center at (856) 451-2800 ext. #3.