9/16/2011 - Prosecutor's Office To Hold DVD Preview
"Choices, Decisions, Consequences... Choices, Decisions, Rewards"
Sponsored by the Cumberland County Prosecutor's Office
Monday, September 19, 2011 | 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Cumberland County College Luciano Center
You are cordially invited to attend a Red Carpet Preview of the Prosecutor's Office new DVD that addresses bullying, gang issues and peer pressure.
Along with the DVD preview, a panel discussion will be conducted entitled "The Village Initiative - Empowering Youth to Make Healthy Choices Through Community Collaboration." Both children and adults are welcome to attend.
Please RSVP no later than Friday, September 16th by calling 856-453-0486, Ext. 3109. Each attendee will receive a copy of the DVD.
All Actors and Actresses Are Cumberland County Residents.