Common Backyard Mosquito Sources
Many mosquito problems in your neighborhood are likely to come from water-filled containers that you, the resident, can help to eliminate. Be sure to drain any standing water around your house.
- Dispose of any tires. Tires can become habitats to thousands of mosquitoes.
- Drill holes in the bottom of recycling containers.
- Clear roof gutters of debris.
- Clean pet water dishes regularly.
- Check and empty children’s toys.
- Repair leaky outdoor faucets.
- Change the water in bird baths at least once a week.
- Canoes and other boats should be turned over.
- Avoid water collecting on pool covers.
- Empty water collected in tarps around the yard or on woodpiles.
Even the smallest of containers that can collect water, can become a habitat to hundreds and thousands of mosquitoes. They don't need much water to lay their eggs. (bottles, barrels, buckets, overturned garbage can lids, etc.)
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