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10/7/2011 - County Health Dept. Encourages Mammograms

Cumberland County Health Department Stresses Importance Of Mammograms

The month of October has been dedicated to increasing awareness about the importance of the early detection of breast cancer.

Recommendations from the American Cancer Society suggest that women age 40 and older should have a mammogram every year.According to the American Cancer Society, because of improvements in treatment and early detection, millions of women are surviving breast cancer today.

In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness month, the Cumberland County Health Department would like to highlight the importance of encouraging women to get mammograms on a regular basis.

Recommendations from the American Cancer Society suggest that women age 40 and older should have a mammogram every year and should continue to do so.

If you are in your 20s and 30s you should have a breast exam as part of your regular physical by a doctor. It is also a good idea to talk with your doctor about how to properly do a breast self-exam.

It is most important to see a doctor right away if you notice any of these changes:

  • A lump or swelling

  • Skin irritation or dimpling

  • Nipple pain or the nipple turning inward

  • Redness of the nipple or breast skin

  • A discharge other than breast milk

Women can lower their risk of breast cancer by knowing their family history, controlling their weight, exercising regularly and not smoking. Choosing to breast feed for at least several months may also reduce the risk of breast cancer.

"Receiving a mammogram is one of the best things a woman can do to protect her health. This simple test can find breast cancers early and when they are smaller and easier to treat," said Virginia Preesada, health officer for Cumberland County Health Department.

If you have any questions, or would like more information call (856) 327-7602 or visit


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