1/7/2011 - New Phase In County Ten Year Strategic Plan
County Launches New Phase in Ten Year Strategic Plan
Residents across Cumberland County are being asked to share their thoughts on the direction of county government, services and land use over the next decade.
A sweeping new survey has been launched to solicit direct input from residents for the ten-year strategic plan, “Cumberland County 2010-2020: The Future is Now.”
Initiated by the Cumberland County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the planning process has been actively underway for the past year with focus groups comprised of county residents, business owners, financial institutions, industry, environmental and non-profit organizations.
“We’ve seen amazing participation from several hundred county residents in our focus groups” said Freeholder Director, Louis N. Magazzu. “Now we’re taking it to the next level asking for input and ideas from hundreds, maybe thousands more.”
The goal of the planning process is to develop key transformational strategies that can be implemented over the next decade, which will guide the positive growth and development of the County.
“This needs to be a ‘living, breathing’ plan,” said steering committee member Wade Sjogren. “We don’t know exactly what challenges or opportunities the next nine or ten years will bring, so we need a plan that can both guide us and evolve with the changing economic landscape. We need to view it as a work in progress.”
Freeholder liaison William F. Whelan said, “long-range planning is critical – even in times of immediate economic challenges. Establishing a vision for the future of our county government gives us a framework for the kind of growth and development we all want to see by the next decade."
The easy to use survey is available online to county residents at a special “The Future is Now” section on the County website at You can find the link in the lower righthand corner of the County home page.
For those who do not have internet access, a paper version will be available at the County Building as well as municipal buildings throughout the county.