4/19/2011 - Freeholder Dunkins Not Seeking Re-Election
Deputy Freeholder Director James Dunkins Not Seeking Re-Election
Cumberland County Freeholder Deputy Director James Dunkins has officially announced that he will not seek to serve another term on the Board of Chosen Freeholders beginning in January 2012. The Deputy Director said, “I really want to thank all of the voters in the county who elected me serve on the Freeholder Board. I have had the pleasure of serving many constituents in my capacity as Freeholder and it has truly been a rewarding experience”.

Deputy Freeholder Director James Dunkins Not Seeking Re-Election
Deputy Director Dunkins added, “As difficult as this decision was, I know that it is the right thing for me and my family. The responsibilities in my life, my Family first and my service to God second, have increased significantly. It has become difficult for me to dedicate the kind of time that is necessary in serving as a Freeholder. My church parish has increased tremendously, as have the activities and services that our church provides. It is time for me to focus on the expansion of the church and the responsibilities that go along with that. My attention to this expansion is paramount to the success of our parish”.
While the Deputy Director will fulfill serving his term through December 31, 2011, he reflected on his experience as a Freeholder.
“During my time on this Freeholder Board, I believe we have done some very good work. We have continued to provide many services, even in this desperate economic climate. I also believe that Cumberland County is one of the finest counties in the State, and I am truly honored to have been able to serve the residents of this great county.”
Reverend Dunkins concluded, “Again I want to thank all of the residents of Cumberland County for allowing me to serve and I want everyone to know that while I may not continue to serve as an elected official from 2012 forward, I will continue to be involved with the important issues facing our county."