National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ
Event Start: Thursday, July 21, 2011 12:00 PM EDT
Event End: Friday, July 22, 2011 8:00 PM EDT
Excessive Heat Watch In Effect From Thursday Afternoon Through Friday Evening...
The National Weather Service In Mount Holly Has Issued An Excessive Heat Watch For Cumberland County NJ...Which Is In Effect From Thursday Afternoon Through Friday Evening.
- Heat Index Values...Near 105 Thursday Afternoon And Near 110 Friday Afternoon. The Heat Indices May Be Kept Down Closer To The Coast Due To Any Ocean Or Bay Influence.
- Timing...Peak Heat Indices Occurring In The Afternoon, With The Worst Of It Occurring Friday Afternoon.
- The Excessive Heat And Humidity May Continue Into Saturday.
- Impacts...The Combination Of Heat And Humidity Will Create Dangerous Heat Index Values. Even Conditions At Night Will Remain Rather Warm And Humid Especially In The More Urbanized Areas.
Precautionary/Preparedness Actions...
An Excessive Heat Watch Means That A Prolonged Period Of Hot Temperatures Is Expected. The Combination Of Hot Temperatures And High Humidity Will Combine To Create A Dangerous Situation In Which Heat Illnesses Are Possible. Drink Plenty Of Fluids, Stay In An Air-Conditioned Room, Stay Out Of The Sun, And Check Up On Relatives And Neighbors. Keep Your Pets In A Cool Location With Plenty Of Water Available.

Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion
- Headache, dizziness, or fainting
- Weakness and wet skin
- Irritability or confusion
- Thirst, nausea, or vomiting
What Should I Do If I Think I Have Heat Exhaustion?
If you think you have heat exhaustion, get out of the heat quickly. Rest in a building that has air-conditioning. If you can't get inside, find a cool, shady place. Drink plenty of water or other fluids. Do NOT drink alcohol or caffeinated drinks (such as soda). These can make heat exhaustion worse. Take a cool shower or bath, or apply cool water to your skin. Take off any tight or unnecessary clothing.
If you do not feel better within 30 minutes, you should contact your doctor. If heat exhaustion is not treated, it can progress to heatstroke.
Symptoms of Heat Stroke
- High fever (104°F or higher)
Severe headache
- Dizziness and feeling light-headed
- A flushed or red appearance to the skin
- Lack of sweating
- Muscle weakness or cramps
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fast heartbeat
- Fast breathing
- Feeling confused, anxious or disoriented
- Seizures
Heatstroke is when the internal temperature of the body reaches 104°F. It can happen when your body gets too hot during strenuous exercise or when exposed to very hot temperatures, or it can happen after heat exhaustion isn't properly treated. Heatstroke is much more serious than heat exhaustion. Heatstroke can cause damage to your organs and brain. In extreme cases, it can kill you.
What Should I Do If I Think Someone Has Heatstroke?
If you think someone might have heatstroke, call emergency medical personnel immediately. While you are waiting for medical assistance, take the person into an air-conditioned building or a cool, shady place. Remove the person's unnecessary clothing to help cool him or her down. Try to fan air over the person while wetting the skin with water. You can also apply ice packs to the person's armpits, groin, neck and back. These areas contain a lot of blood vessels close the surface of the skin. Cooling them with ice packs can help the person cool down.