7/25/2011 - Residents Can Now Recycle Paper Milk Cartons
Residents Can Now Recycle Paper Milk And Juice Cartons
The Cumberland County Improvement Authority is now accepting paper cartons for recycling along with glass, metal and plastic. Residents can now throw their empty milk and OJ cartons in with empty soda bottles and vegetable cans.
Some examples of what the Cumberland County Improvement Authority will accept include: cartons of juice, milk, soymilk, soup, broth and wine. The containers must be empty and residents are encouraged to remove any straws or other pieces and rinse the containers out before recycling.
"It is simple, just place your empty cartons in your red recycling bin with your plastic, metal, and glass containers," CCIA Recycling Coordinator Dennis DeMatte said. The recycling facility will sort through the trash and send it to a mill to be made into paper products and building materials.