8/3/2011 - CCIA Announces Recycling Changes
Cumberland County Improvement Authority
Announces Recycling Changes
The Cumberland County Improvement Authority will now accept additional plastic containers for recycling. In the past only plastic containers with the numbers 1 or 2 were accepted. Now, the CCIA accepts plastics with the numbers 4, 5, and 7.
Plastic yogurt containers, margarine tubs, appetizer containers and takeout food containers can now be recycled with your bottles and cans. Please remember to give them a rinse and remove and dispose of all lids.
There are still two types of plastics that can not be recycled and should be disposed of with your regular trash — numbers 3 and 6.
These additional materials, along with cartons that were recently added to the collection stream, will allow our municipalities and the county remain on top of the recycling charts in New Jersey.