11/29/2011 - Gum Tree Corner Road, Stow Creek To Close
Gum Tree Corner Road In Stow Creek Township
To Close Through February For August Storm Repairs
A three-month construction project to repair damages caused by the destructive August 14th storms will close a section of Gum Tree Corner Road in Stow Creek Township beginning next week.
The project, which will replace culverts and reconstruct the roadway, is expected to begin on or about November 28th, 2011 and continue through mid-February 2012.
The road will be completely closed during construction with NO ACCESS, including emergency vehicles.
The official detour will be (for drivers traveling westbound):
- CR 604 Westbound to CR 602 Northbound
- CR 602 Northbound to CR 660 (Stow Creek Road) Westbound
- CR 602 Westbound to Frank Davis Road Southbound
- Frank Davis Road Southbound to CR 604 (Gum Tree Corner Road)
Eastbound traffic will detour in reverse.