CUMBERLAND COUNTY: Officials report that the Cumberland County College Search Committee is seeking two new board members for the Cumberland County College Board of Trustees. Interested candidates should send their resume to: the Cumberland County College Search Committee, Attn: Beth Kostok, Cumberland County Administration Building, 790 E. Commerce St., Bridgton, NJ 08302.
Interested applicants must be: residents of Cumberland County four years prior to the appointment, shall not be elected officials, shall not be an employee of Cumberland County, shall not be an employee of the college, and shall not have been a member of the trustee search committee within the six months prior to the appointment to the board of trustees. Public Notice with a filing deadline is forthcoming.
Applicants should possess a desire to advocate for the college and its students; should be knowledgeable about board governance responsibilities and appreciate the difference between board governance and administrative responsibilities; should be able to commit sufficient time to board governance responsibilities; should be aware of ethical issues of board governance and be unencumbered by private agendas; should be sensitive to issues of diversity; should understand the governance authority is vested in the board, not the individual trustee; should be committed to continuing trustee development and completion of a training program during the first year of service as a trustee; should possess characteristics and qualities that will endure the standing of the college within the community; and should not be an immediate family member of nor be involved in a common business venture with a county employee.
“The strength of the college relies on its qualified citizens entrusted to govern on behalf of the community. College Trustees provide ethical leadership and responsible stewardship and we look forward to filling the openings on the Cumberland County College Board with two new Trustees”, said Cumberland County Freeholder Director Carl Kirstein.