CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NJ – The Cumberland County Clerk’s Office cautions residents that there have been reports of individuals contacting voters who requested applications for a “Vote By Mail” ballot from the Clerk’s Office, and that these individuals are falsely representing themselves as employees of the County Clerk’s Office. The Cumberland County Clerk’s Office does not have employees contacting voters or going to resident’s homes or business to collect “Vote By Mail” ballots.
The role of the County Clerk’s Office is to process applications and to provide ballots to interested and qualified voters. Under New Jersey election law, we must also produce and provide a list of voters who request “Vote By Mail” ballots to anyone who wants this information.
No one from the Cumberland County Clerk’s Office will ever visit or call your home requesting information about your ballot. The County Clerk has no further jurisdiction or supervisory power over the “Vote By Mail” ballot, which upon completion will be mailed or otherwise forwarded directly to the Cumberland County Board of Elections.
“If you are contacted or visited by someone representing themselves as a member of the Cumberland County Clerk’s Office, please ask for their name and identification, and please call and report any incidents of this nature to the Clerk’s Office by calling: (856) 453-4862, so they may be included in our investigation into this serious issue.” said Gloria Noto, Cumberland County Clerk.