Eligible Seniors:
Do You Know You Could be Reimbursed for Property Tax Increases?
April 16th, 2014
Cumberland County freeholders want seniors to know more about programs that could reduce or eliminate increases in their property tax.
The Property Tax Reimbursement Program (also known as the Senior Property Tax Freeze) reimburses eligible senior citizens and disabled persons for property tax increases. The amount of the reimbursement is the difference between the amount of property taxes that were due and paid for the “base year” (the first year that all eligibility requirements were met) and the amount due and paid for the current year for which reimbursement is being applied for, provided the amount paid for the current year was greater.
Applicants must meet all of the eligibility requirements for the base year, and for each succeeding year, up to and including the current year to qualify for the reimbursement.
Residents who receive a Homestead Benefit and/or property tax credits or deductions may also receive the property tax reimbursement if they meet the eligibility requirements.
Eligible applicants must be age 65 or older or receive Federal Social Security disability benefits, have lived in New Jersey continuously for at least 10 years, as either a homeowner or renter, and have owned and lived in your home (or have leased a site in a mobile home park on which you have placed a manufactured or mobile home that you own) for at least the last 3 years.
“We want to make sure that our seniors know and understand all of the tax relief options available to them,” said Freeholder Director Joe Derella. “Even the smallest tax increase can be a major challenge for people living on fixed incomes.”
Another program, the Annual Property Tax Deduction for Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons and Veterans provides an annual deduction of up to $250 from property taxes for people who meet the following criteria: homeowners age 65 or older, the disabled who meet certain income and residency requirements or qualified veterans.
Finally, homeowners and tenants who pay property taxes, either directly or through rent, on their principal place of residence in New Jersey may qualify for
The New Jersey Property Tax Deduction/Credit -- either a deduction or a refundable credit on their New Jersey resident income tax return.
Homeowners and tenants may be eligible for a deduction or credit even if they are not eligible for a Homestead Benefit. Homeowners who file only the Homestead Benefit application will automatically receive their property tax credit with their Homestead benefit.
“We know all of this information can be overwhelming sometimes, said Freeholder Carol Musso, liaison to the Cumberland County Office on Aging & Disabled. "But we have experts in place to make this as simple as possible for our seniors and to make sure they get the benefits they deserve.”
Seniors are urged to contact the Cumberland County Office on Aging & Disabled at (856) 459-3090 for more information about eligibility and assistance in completing the applications.
All property tax relief program information is based on current law and is subject to change.