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5/8/2019 - Cumberland County Calls for Census Help

May 8, 2019
For Immediate Release
For More Information Contact:  Jody Hirata (856) 453-2125

Cumberland County Freeholders Call For Census Help

As preparations for the 2020 Census continue, the Cumberland County Board of Chosen Freeholders is 
fully supporting efforts to recruit County residents to fill critical census positions. The 
Complete Count Committee, a cooperative effort that leverages the resources of local governments, 
schools, agencies, faith-based groups, and non-profits to ensure that every county resident is 
counted, has been aggressively seeking local residents to serve as census workers. “Counting every 
resident will ensure that we will count when it comes time for the federal and state governments to 
allocate the resources that Cumberland County needs and deserves”, said Freeholder Director Joe 
Derella. By law, the census is conducted every 10 years and is the basis for the assignment of 
Congressional and State Legislative representation as well as the distribution of federal and state 
program benefits.

The US Census Bureau is seeking temporary workers to assist with the count. “These are jobs that 
pay well and there are no more qualified people to get an accurate count of the people of 
Cumberland County than our own residents”, said Deputy Director Darlene Barber. “The Census Bureau 
will pay our residents to perform this critically important public service”, added Barber.

Director Derella stated, “getting an accurate count in some of our urban neighborhoods and in our 
more remote rural areas will be a real challenge and our own residents are the best people to meet 
that challenge.”

For More Information, please visit: English Spanish

 Census Jobs: English  Spanish (there is an underscore between jobs and Spanish)