The Ever-Growing Cumberland County Complete Count Committee
By: Thomas Mayfield • New Jersey
In a continued effort to grow the Cumberland County Complete Count Committee (CCC), Sharon Mollick, the CCC premier liaison, pulls no punches in getting the job done. On June 6, Sharon pulled together a contingency of approximately 15 highly respected ministers within the Bridgeton, New Jersey community. Her goal was to grow the faith-based working group for the Cumberland CCC. With the support of Bridgeton Mayor Kelly, updated Census materials, and a unique meeting space called the “Hopeloft”, Sharon presented a compelling 2020 Census narrative to the ministers. The result was a group whose creative juices flowed, and ideas were shared on how to move their
communities to participate.

Sharon’s meeting was a huge success with just about all the ministers signing on board with the Cumberland CCC. Further proof of the success of the June 6 meeting came during the next meeting on June 25 when over 100 participants attended the formal Cumberland County CCC. The CCC looks forward to having over 100 plus participants at the August meeting, that will feature reports and updates from the other working groups Sharon established.
Sharon has also taken the Cumberland CCC to the next level by having a resolution drafted that recognizes the 2020 Census efforts of the group. Anyone looking for different ways of accomplishing the 2020 Census goal of “Counting everyone once, and only once in the right place” can look at Sharon Mollick as an example for all the great things being accomplished in Cumberland County.
This article was part of the New York Regional Census Center's July 2019 newsletter "Partnership Community."