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3/31/2020 - Cumberland County April 1st is National Census Day

With the ongoing threats associated with COVID-19 and the need to maintain social distancing, perhaps the U.S. Census is not first and foremost in our minds. However, the importance of ensuring a complete count in the census, as it relates to government funding and representation, is critically important to the people of Cumberland County. April 1st is National Census Day – it is the official launch of the census which is conducted once every ten years. For Cumberland County, making sure every resident is counted helps to ensure that over the next ten years we as a county receive the Federal funding needed to maintain our roads, provide social services, support our local businesses, and improve our quality of life.

Since large public events are out of the question given our current circumstances, Cumberland County is encouraging participation in the U.S. Census by completing response forms online at It takes typically less than 10 minutes to complete the response form. For Census Day, Cumberland County is encouraging #CensusCatchUp day. As we are all being responsible and practicing social distancing measures, it can be easy to feel a little isolated, so let's do something about it! To participate in #CensusCatchUp Day we are asking you to contact at least 3 of your friends or neighbors. Check in on them, have a laugh, and tell them to fill out their Census!

 Call, email, text, video chat or conference, send a carrier pigeon (whatever works, right?). The idea is to build some safe social engagement into our lives while at the same time encouraging participation in the Census to get us closer to a complete count. To participate, check out the county’s dedicated census Facebook page at or check hashtag #CensusCatchUp on Twitter.


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Phone: (856) 453-2125