As of April 19, 2020, the County reported a total number of 317 confirmed COVID-19 cases with 4 fatalities in Cumberland County. Overall, New Jersey has 85,301 people who have tested positive with 4,202 deaths. The County of Cumberland, the Cumberland County Health Department, the City of Vineland Health Department and CompleteCare Network have established a “drive-thru” COVID-19 testing site at Rowan College of South Jersey – Cumberland Campus (Vineland) to increase the availability of testing. In describing the need for expanded testing in Cumberland County, Freeholder Director Joseph Derella stated, “It is very likely that we have many more residents with COVID than have been tested and confirmed.” Derella added, “We have watched carefully the way in which the virus spread in the densely populated New Jersey counties surrounding New York City and are taking aggressive steps to expand our testing so as to avoid the spike in cases experienced in other parts of the state.” Derella went on to state, “In recent days, we have seen Governor’s map color Cumberland County orange reflecting a spike in cases, but our relatively small numbers make any substantial increase statistically significant.” In his Friday April 12th press briefing, Governor Murphy predicted an increase in COVID cases in South Jersey in the coming week.
Deputy Director Darlene Barber cites the County’s early proactive steps as a key reason Cumberland County has had fewer COVID cases than most other New Jersey Counties to date. “Our various municipal and county government departments, along with our Prosecutor, Sheriff, County Clerk, Surrogate and Warden for Correctional Facility have done a tremendous job in changing their operations to minimize the threat of the COVID-19 spread, while continuing to provide the public with essential services”, stated Barber.
County Health Department Freeholder Co-Liaison Carol Musso in reiterating the requirements for testing at the drive through site stated, “Testing is being provided to those who are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms and have a prescription for testing.” Musso added, “Our testing site is now able to administer the COVID test in a little over a minute and we have conducted four days of testing to date.” Testing is being conducted on Tuesdays and Thursdays for those with approved appointments. “For those seeking a prescription for a COVID test and do not have access to a medical referral or physician, CompleteCare Network has established a procedure that can be accessed by calling 856-451-4700 or individuals can go to and go to request an appointment section,” stated Musso.
In explaining the importance of continuing to following COVID spread control procedures, Director Derella explained, “About 26% have tested positive of the approximately 1,220 County residents who have been tested.” “We now know that many people who have been exposed to COVID show no or only mild symptoms, so it continues to be critically important that our residents stay home and practice strict social distancing when they must go out”, stated Derella.
Acknowledging that the economic impacts of COVID-19 have been devastating, Cumberland County Freeholder and small business owner George Castellini stated, “Our County economic development and workforce professionals are working with their counterparts in state and federal government to make as many resources available as possible to help both employers and employees survive this crisis.” Freeholder Derella concluded, “While we can not let our guard down yet, we are planning for the day that we can restart our economy and return to all of the activities we so love as Cumberland County residents.”