7/10/2011 - Vehicles Transporting Waste Must Be Tarped
New Jersey state law requires all open vehicles traveling with solid waste to be tarped in order to avoid spillage onto the roadways. Individuals found in violation of New Jersey state law regarding tarped vehicles may be required to appear in court and, if found guilty, may be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000 per occurrence.
Cumberland County residents utilizing the Solid Waste Complex or convenience centers in the townships of Deerfield, Downe, Hopewell, Lawrence, Stow Creek and Upper Deerfield are required to keep vehicles in compliance. Vehicles found to be in violation of the law may be issued a summons by the Cumberland County Solid Waste Enforcement Unit or by the state, county, and municipal law enforcement officials. Vehicles transporting solid waste which is properly bagged need not be tarped.
Anyone with questions regarding tarp requirements should contact the Cumberland County Improvement Authority at (856) 825-3700.