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9/14/2020 - PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - Senior Citizen & Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Program


Notice is hereby given that the County of Cumberland is making application to the New Jersey Transit Corporation for monies available under the Senior Citizen & Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Act for Calendar Year 2021.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and to adhere to social distancing, a virtual hearing will be held on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 2:00pm.  Those with access to e-mail and internet need to register by September 30, 2020 with Gina Table at to receive an e-mail with the link to the teleconference.  For those residents unable to attend the virtual hearing, please contact Ms. Table at 856-453-2224 to register and receive an audio conference number.

Persons that need accommodation (e.g. sign language, interpreter, translation, etc.) must notify the Cumberland County Office on Aging & Disabled, 800 E. Commerce Street, Bridgeton, NJ at (856) 453-2220, within 14 days of the scheduled meeting.  Cumberland County cannot provide any accommodations not requested.

For those residents unable to attend the virtual hearing, please send written questions/comments to: Barbara Nedohon, Executive Director, Cumberland County Office on Aging & Disabled, 800 E. Commerce Street, Bridgeton, NJ 08302.  A summary of the transportation plan will be available for review at the Office on Aging & Disabled and on the website


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164 W. Broad St., Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Phone: (856) 453-2125