CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NEW JERSEY (February 1, 2021) Joseph Derella, Director of the Cumberland Board of Commissioners, was sworn in as the second Vice President of the New Jersey Association of Counties (NJAC) at its virtual annual reorganization meeting held on January 29, 2021. The NJAC is dedicated to advocating for legislation, regulations and policy directives that empower county governments to operate more efficiently and effectively.
Director Derella describes NJAC as a, “dynamic non-partisan organization committed to fostering good government and common sense solutions to the every-day problems our residents face.” Derella stated further, “NJAC shares my vision of counties as the level of government that is large enough to be best suited to address regional challenges, but small enough to remain in touch with, and responsive to, the unique needs of our individual communities.” “NJAC provides a tremendous platform for the exchange of ideas for the improvement of government services at less cost to the taxpayer and a powerful vehicle to turn those ideas into policy and legislation at the state and national level.”
In addition to Director Derella, New Jersey State Senator Vin Gopal also swore in Mercer County Commissioner John Cimino as President, Monmouth County Commissioner Teri O’Connor as 1st Vice President, Hunterdon County Commissioner Shaun Van Doren as Secretary/Treasurer and Cape May County Commissioner Marie Hayes as Immediate Past President.
Commissioner Derella indicated that County government has been particularly critical during the pandemic stating, “County governments have played a pivotal role in COVID testing and are now being asked to assist with the logistical challenges associated with vaccine distribution through healthcare facilities, health departments and pharmacies.” Derella concluded I am honored to help lead an organization that has problem solving, not political gain as its core mission; never have we needed that mission more than now.”