CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NEW JERSEY (March 16, 2021) Cumberland County Commissioner Director Joseph Derella announced that the County has begun implementing a dedicated vaccination program for corrections officers, staff and detainees at the Cumberland County Jail. Derella stated, “We have been provided with a supply of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that is designated by the New Jersey Department of Health for vaccinating those who work or are detained in our County Jail.” Derella explained, “The state is targeting congregate sites such as jails due to their high density population and the threat they pose to the people living and working in these environments as well as the public.” Derella continued, “By carefully following COVID safety protocols, we have worked hard to keep our jail as safe as possible in anticipation of the time when we could vaccinate everyone who wants vaccine protection.” Derella continued, “We have 27 corrections officers and civilian employees along with 41 detainees who have agreed to be vaccinated in this first round of J & J on March 15th, 17th and 22nd.”
This is the second opportunity corrections officers have had to be vaccinated according to Derella.” Twenty corrections officers took advantage of the opportunity to receive the Moderna vaccine on the 13th and 14th of January, 2021 as part of our targeted effort to vaccinate law enforcement officers, including our corrections officers”, stated Derella.
Derella expressed hope that all staff and inmates will agree to be vaccinated within the next several weeks stating, “The supply of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine dedicated for our County Jail is being properly refrigerated by the County Health Department and remains effective for three months.” Derella added, “We are able to vaccinate all staff at the County Jail as well as new detainees coming into the facility.” Derella continued, “We are urging everyone in our correctional facility to take advantage of this opportunity to be vaccinated.”
Director Derella indicates that the vaccines will be administered by CFG, which provides contracted healthcare services at the County Jail. Derella stated, “The vaccines will be administered by qualified healthcare professionals in accordance with all appropriate protocols.” Derella concluded, “While COVID safety policies and procedures will remain in place at the County Jail for the foreseeable future, this initial round of vaccinations is an important step in achieving our goal to not only protect our corrections officers, staff and detainees, but also their families and the general public.”