6/7/2021 - Cumberland County Office on Aging & Disabled Announces Program to Provide Free Produce for Senior Citizens
CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NEW JERSEY (June 3, 2021) The Cumberland County Office on Aging is pleased to announce that through a grant with the N.J. Department of Health, the Office on Aging is distributing vouchers for the USDA Senior Citizens Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program.
Cumberland County Commissioner and Office on Aging & Disabled Liaison Carol Musso said “The County is very pleased to be able to again offer this Program to our seniors. The coupons may be used to purchase locally grown “Jersey Fresh” fruits, vegetables, and herbs from family owned and operated farm markets throughout Cumberland County selling produce affordable to our seniors in need”.
Co Liaison Commissioner Jim Quinn said, “not only does the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program assist in providing healthy choices for our County’s most vulnerable adults, but it also benefits our local farm markets, which are a valuable asset to our community.” Quinn added, “This program is extremely beneficial for the County, while supporting our seniors and their families, we are able to help our local agricultural businesses.
Eligible seniors must apply for the Farmers Market Coupons in the County in which they reside. They will receive $30 worth of vouchers to purchase Jersey Fresh items at eligible farmer markets. Seniors must be age 60 or older and a resident of Cumberland County. Income guidelines have been established at 185% of the Federal Poverty Level. A household of one can have a monthly gross income of up to $1,968.00 and a household of two can have a monthly gross income of up to $2,658.00.
Beginning June 7, 2021 coupons are available on a first-come, first served basis and supplies are limited. All applications will be completed over the telephone with a choice to have the vouchers mailed or the option to pick up in person at the Office on Aging & Disabled located at 800 E. Commerce Street in Bridgeton, NJ. For more information or to apply, please contact the Office on Aging & Disabled Outreach Office in Bridgeton at (856) 453-2220, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.