8/23/2022 - Cumberland County Utilities Authority Notice of Intent To Issue
Pre-Construction Permit Nos: PCP 210001 and PCP 210003
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to NJSA 13:1D-157 and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Administrative Order 2021-25 (AO 2021-25), that CCUA, located at 333 Water Street, Bridgeton NJ, intends to issue the above referenced Pre-Construction Permits (PCP).
Emissions of Criteria Pollutants and Hazardous Air Pollutants are all below major source thresholds and therefore CCUA is a minor stationary source as defined in Title I, Part D of the Clean Air Act Amendments. The facility is therefore subject to the minor source permitting requirements adopted in NJAC 7:27 Subchapter 8.
The proposed PCPs were applied for and request changes to the facility permits in accordance with the requirements in the Notice of Violation (NOV) received on November 26, 2019. EA ID#: PEA19001 – 75169.
Pursuant to AO 2021-25, a public information session will be held on 9/29/2022. The information session will be held via Microsoft TEAMS. Anyone who is interested in attending the public information session can request that a link to the Microsoft TEAMS meeting be provided to them by sending an e-mail requesting the link to
Concurrent with this notice, CCUA will accept public comments on the proposed PCPs for a sixty-day period starting on 08/23/2022 and concluding on 10/23/2022. Comments can be submitted via electronic mail to or via United States Postal Service to:
David A. Caracappa, PE
1900 Market Street, Suite 300
Philadelphia, PA 19103