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Office on Aging and Disability Services

New Jersey ADRC website

N.J. ADRC toll-free number 1-877-222-3737

The Office on Aging & Disability Services has several primary functions:

  • Serving as a focal point for information, planning, coordination, and advocacy for programs and services for senior citizens age 60+, and for the disabled, through the Office for Disabled.
  • Planning and funding aging programs under the Older Americans Act, Social Service Block Grant, State Safe Housing & Transportation Program and casino revenue funds. 
  • Administering programs sponsored by the County Board of Commissioners including:
    • transportation through the Cumberland Area Transit System
    • home delivered meals through Cumberland County Meals on Wheels
    • the Congregate Luncheon Program for senior citizens
    • Cumberland County Outreach Information and Assistance
    • Cumberland County Tel-Assure
    • Cumberland County Retired & Senior Volunteer Program
    • Cumberland County Personal Assistance Services Program
    • Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program
    • Cumberland County Office for Disabled

The Executive Director of the Office on Aging & Disability Services works under the direction and authority of the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners. The activities of the Office are reviewed and assisted by Advisory Councils appointed by the County Commissioners Board as follows: Cumberland County Office on Aging Advisory Council, County Transportation Advisory Council, County Retired & Senior Volunteer Program Advisory Council, and County Disabled Advisory Council.

Further, the Office on Aging &Disability Services is under the administrative authority of the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Aging Services and other State and Federal funding agencies in matters regarding programs and services funded by or through State and Federal agencies.

Directory of Services for Senior Citizens and Disabled Residents

The Cumberland County Office on Aging & Disability Services (CCOoAD) complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. CCOoAD does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. For our full non-discrimination policy click here.

The New Jersey Special Needs Registry Web site allows residents with special needs and their families, friends and associates an opportunity to provide information to emergency response agencies, so emergency responders can better plan to serve them in a disaster or other emergency. Click on the "Register Ready" logo below to sign up for New Jersey’s Special Needs Registry for Disasters.

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