Division of Employment and Training
The Cumberland County Division of Employment and Training provides career services that connect job seekers to employment and training opportunities. Whether you are new to the job market, currently unemployed, or seeking new employment, The Division of Employment and Training is equipped to help you meet your career or training needs.
Our qualified employment counselors provide specialized services and can connect you to skills assessments, training and/or education assistance. On site resource rooms are equipped with computers and other career service tools. The One-Stop system will assist in resume development, interview preparation, and job referrals. We are a vital tool in career exploration and preparedness.

Contact Information
Jaime Gomez
Division Head
Phone 856-696-5660 ext. 3003
Kate Speck
Supervising Omnibus Operator
for Transportation Services
Phone 856-696-5660 ext. 3010
Brenda Todd
Supervising Employment Specialist
for Work First New Jersey Programs
Phone 856-696-5660 ext. 4004
Joeny Mendez
Senior Employment Specialist
for Youth Programs
Phone 856-696-5660 ext. 3030
Center for Workforce
& Economic Development
3322 College Drive
Vineland, NJ 08360
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM