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The Plain Dealer

The Plain Dealer, the first newspaper established in New Jersey expressly for the purpose of supporting the sometimes-faltering drive for American liberty, is one of the literary-political landmarks of the American Revolutionary period. The distinguished historian, John T. Cunningham, said that the fact that the Plain Dealer appeared every Tuesday morning probably made it New Jersey's first regular "Newspaper."

Potter's Tavern, where the Plain Dealer was published is one of New Jersey's most significant historical shrines.

The editor of the Plain Dealer was Ebenezer Elmer, age 23, a native of Fairfield, a tea burner and a young physician who later distinguished himself as a soldier, a statesman and a public benefactor. He was the last survivor of Washington's officers of the Jersey Continental Line. He was also the last original member of the New Jersey Society of the Cincinnati and at his death was the president of that mutual aid organization formed by the officers of Washington's army when his troops were disbanded.

Containing clear and persuasive argument in favor of Liberty from British domination, the Plain Dealer successfully served to crystallize sentiment in Cumberland County in favor of armed resistance. This accomplished, the editor and the contributors went off to war.

The tavern bore the name of its licensed keeper, Matthew Potter. He was a brother of David Potter, who was later a Colonel in the Militia. Matthew's place of entertainment was a gathering spot for the local firebrands. The fact that he gave a home to the Plain Dealer placed him in personal danger in the Revolutionary period. The silhouette on the cover of this booklet is the only likeness of Ebenezer Elmer so far identified.

The original manuscript of the Plain Dealer was in the hands of Bridgeton owners who held it by inheritance. In the 1930's it found its way into the streams of trade finally coming to rest in the Rare Book Collection of Rutgers, The State University.

View The Plain Dealer online at Rutgers University Community Repository


The Plain Dealer Original Text

December 21, 1775

"As the circumstances of the times slow call on every individual to exert himself for the good of His country and fellow creatures, several persons whose genius & inclination for many years past have led them to study and contemplation, have concluded, that the results of their enquiries and speculations on political occurrences and other important subjects particularly calculated to just this place.""And as there is no prep within reach to print them, the following method is proposed to render them public.

Each person is immediately engaged in the undertaking to act as Secretary for a certain time; who will conscribe, and number all pieces, so that they may be read every Tuesday morning by any one, that will take the trouble to call Matthew Potters Bar for the same. And that every one that has a mind may peruse them, tis expected that no one will offer to take them out of his house, but everyone is freely allowed to take a copy of any or all the numbers as they appear and communicate the same to as many as he pleases. It will be entitled the Plain Dealer..."

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