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Geographic Information Systems

Geographic Information Systems, GIS, is a software program that is used to show data in relation to its location on the earth. GIS analyzes different data sets, such as wetlands, soils, waterways, parcels, roads, Census data, zoning, and political boundaries, to answer questions, solve problems, and provide support to Cumberland County and its municipalities. For example, GIS is used to determine farmland and open space preservation priority areas, critical environmental sites, locations of dangerous intersections, hurricane evacuation routes, development and population trends, among other County initiatives.

Cumberland County’s GIS is managed by the GIS Coordinator in the Department of Planning, Tourism, and Community Affairs. This Department can assist local governments by preparing maps and providing data sets and analytic services.

To view our most current parcel and roads GIS layer, CLICK HERE. In addition, the County has data sets available including:
  • Soils (USDA SSURGO)
  • Preserved Farmland and Open Space
  • Land Use/Land Cover
  • Streets/Centerlines
  • County Boundaries
  • Municipal Boundaries
  • Municipal Zoning
  • Parcel Data

Data inquiries can be made by submitting a GIS Data Request Form to the email address located on the form.


Note: Additional data is available through state agencies, including:

NJ Geographic Information Network (NGIN)

New Jersey Office of GIS (NJOGIS)

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)

New Jersey  of Transportation (NJDOT)


For more information about GIS, please visit What is GIS?