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Meals On Wheels Program


The Cumberland County Meals on Wheels Program is sponsored by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Cumberland and is funded primarily under Title III of the Older Americans Act through the County Office on Aging. The program has been in operation since March of 1975.

The program provides a hot, well-planned, nutritionally balanced meal Monday through Friday, delivered to the home of those elderly who cannot prepare or procure a hot meal. Low-sodium and diabetic meals are provided when prescribed by a physician. In addition, the program provides weekend meals to those clients in need of the service. Recipients may live anywhere within the boundaries of Cumberland County and must be sixty years of age or older.

The Cumberland County Meals on Wheels Program fulfills a unique need of the elderly and disabled who are homebound due to acute or chronic illness or handicap. The Program provides nutritious meals for the purpose of assisting clients in maintaining or improving their health status, as well as delaying or preventing institutionalization. It is intended to strengthen the support of family, friends and neighbors rather than replace it. It is not intended to foster isolation or to develop unnecessary dependence upon the service. Those requesting long range service are re-evaluated at six-month intervals to determine current need for service. Referrals for other services are made on behalf of the client when appropriate.

The suggested contribution for the cost of the meal is $3.00 which is paid by the client. Arrangements are made for subsidy of meals where the need exists.


Contact Information

Barbara Nedohon

Executive Director

Kirsten Gandy

Nutrition Program Director

Phone: 856-453-2159
Fax: 856-455-1029



800 E. Commerce St
Bridgeton, NJ 08302


Monday through Friday
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM